Find Your WOW Shots - Anywhere, Anytime.
Maximize your Photo collection. Get the best Photo Organizer for your Apple® Mac® computer. HUGO Photo Manager is always On and ready. Click the HUGO menu bar button (our Happy Button) and you'll instantly see your beautiful media collection. HUGO is for everyone. Perfect for creative or graphic designers, photographers, influencers, social media gurus, and even trendy fashion moguls.

HUGO Photo Manager provides a superior way to work, sort, score, eliminate, view, and manage your complete visual media collection - it's not just for photographs but for every kind of visual file including PNG, JPEG, TIFF, SVG, Adobe Photoshop PSD and Illustrator AI, PDF, videos, movies, and more.
Once you start working with HUGO you realize how much time and effort you have been wasting by working with the wrong tools - such as a typical file browser.

That's the promise of Hugo - NEVER WAIT AGAIN to see your images.
Break the habit - stop using Mac Finder to view your media collection !!!

HUGO Photo Manager instantly and brilliantly solves the problem of not being able to see your large media collection QUICKLY and EASILY in FULL SCREEN mode. You know that WAITING feeling... if you have large images or many photos in your media collection you know that it's almost impossible to work with them. You constantly have to wait for previews to generate or open every image to properly see it. With HUGO you will never wait again.
Your Typical "Finder" Experience
Compare the typical experience trying to look at PNG media items like photos or in this case design graphics for a project. Waiting, waiting, waiting. It took over 3 minutes to get to see even tiny thumbnails of the collection.
To make the experience even more painful, each time one clicks back to the same folder you have to generate the thumbnail all over again. Can you guess what happens if you want to see larger thumbnails? - yes of course, you have to wait all over again. You can easily waste 10 minutes before you finally give up and not be successful in your target goal.

The HUGO Experience
Click on a folder (or your entire DropBox of images, photos, movies, PhotoShop, Illustrator, vector SVG files, and more.
INSTANTLY see the full glory of your collection, in big beautiful sizes, with superb sorting, scoring, grouping, mapping, sequencing and yes even purging those terrible shots. Flip between image view and gallery view with a single key. We have made single key actions for all the most common tasks.
Just look at the super fast and immersive visual experience provided by Hugo. You deserve to work this BEAUTIFULLY.

Note - the very first time you open a folder with HUGO we analyze the folder which may take a few moments.
Most of the essential features of Google's PICASA Mac Application have been carefully evaluated, redesigned and crafted into our beautiful HUGO product.
HUGO is Built for Speed & Productivity
Hugo is built for keyboard lovers who demand speed and productivity in their daily work. We have built in single key actions for all the most common tasks such as flipping on "Sequence Bars" to allow selection by image sequences.
Drag & Drop images into new collections you create on-the-fly, then maybe send only those choices to your client.
You can also work in "Light" or "Dark" user interface themes, again changed by the tap of a single key.

Enjoy Full-Screen Review with HUGO
If you are tired of sacrificing your image judgement based on tiny previews and cluttered screens you are going to love HUGO.
Our product engineers are photographers and fashion designers who demand seeing the original resolution full screen images in order to review and score the work.
One of the core features of HUGO is the review and score process. A typical afternoon for a HUGO user involves working with thousands of images and narrowing choices down to 10 or 100 items. HUGO is perfect for the review and selection process.

HUGO provides Dynamic Grouping
HUGO let's you switch how your collections are organized - on-the-fly - dynamically so you can experience your massive collection in numerous ways to gain valuable insights.
How many times are you looking for an SVG file, or a photograph you made back in 2005, or you want to see only "movie" files, and so on... HUGO's dynamic grouping allows you to view all your files in ways that make sense - not just by a date in a file explorer.

HUGO Photo Manager now features the most advanced technology to automatically determine which items are in your photographs and automatically classify and tag your photos. This allows you to more easily find your photos by topic when using our search.
Just go to the "Assign" menu, and toggle on the auto-classify feature. Then each time you use HUGO your images are classified and tagged.

OH my dear doggie friend.... are you playing with us? Trying to fool our AI photo classifier?
Super Easy Image Tagging with HUGO
Our super easy tagging feature allows single key image tagging for Delete, Keep, and WOW scoring of your work.
By combining photo shoot sequences with image selection in our Gallery View you can quickly work through a whole day's shoot in a matter of minutes... and find your WOW shots.
You can even see these tags in the normal Mac OS Finder.

HUGO has a Photographic Loupe
How many times do we find ourselves checking to see if we nailed the "focus" of our subject - are the eyes in focus...
Our photographer's loupe is a single key tap away - just hit the "L" for loupe key.
In our example we found our "eyes" to be rather different, but sadly not as crisply focused as we would have wanted.

Map Your Adventures with HUGO
Instantly see where each photograph has been made. We use the GPS data that is (optionally) stored in your photographs to plot your photos on the world map.
Click on any photo pin to see a small version of the photo directly on the map.
Revisit the places you love - whether on the shores of the Columbia river, chilling at Mt. Hood, or catching some wind in Hood River - we've got you covered anywhere on the map you go... from the Pacific wonderland to the shores of Tahiti.

A Beautiful Application Highly Crafted In Every Detail
Single click to turn on or off each tag kind - so see only the files ready to Delete, or only your WOW files. The dimmed red presented items are ready to delete.
Clearly find and see just your WOW shots!

One of the biggest time saver is the automatic detection of "duplicate" images.
Duplicates are shown with red text and are dimmed in order to easily see them.

Turn on or off the Sequence Bars that show which photographs belong to groups.
Single click to select all the photographs in a shooting sequence. Drag and drop them into other folders, tag them as WOW shots, or delete them.

Truly see your media in FULL SCREEN. No bars, no anything - just your full shot.
There are so many clever ways to work in HUGO.

500 To 25 WOW Pieces in 5 Minutes
How do you evaluate your photos, images, creative works and narrow down all those choices to the very best WOW pieces - QUICKLY?
No other product can do this like HUGO. View your whole collection in Full Screen mode, and tap/mark them either "D" for Delete or "K" for Keep. You don't even need your mouse as Hugo automatically advances to the next image choice.
Then hide the marked Delete images and tap through your keepers and tap "W" for WOW for each superb image.
To hide sets of images just tap the display buttons in the top left of the screen area. The "big eye" shows all kinds, the red X is for toggling on/off the delete marked images, green dot is for Keep images, and the purple star is the WOW images. The "-" is for images that are not-marked.
In 5 minutes you can go from being overwhelmed with 500 images to being done and happy with your choices because you know you fully reviewed all the potential of each image.

Images marked for Delete are outlined in Red with a dimmed opacity. Green outlined images are "Keepers" and Purple are your royal images - the WOW pieces.

We offer FREE classes scheduled once a week for our users. Learn all the best power user tips and clever ways to use HUGO. Contact us today via email to arrange a class time. click here